Taking Ordinary to Extraordinary!

ordinary to extraordinary

Ordinary to Extraordinary

Motivate yourself to take an ordinary situation and make it an extraordinary one! Some true stories about a couple unbelievable people to motivate you to do more.

It’s like taking lemons and making them into lemonade.

Don’t sit around hoping for change or expecting things to get better on its own. Go out and make it happen. So much is going on in the world today but if we make an effort we can take something typical and make it extraordinary! One of our all-time favorite movies is “Rudy”. This is an inspiring story about Rudy Ruettiger who was an average Joe in every aspect, but did the unthinkable! He worked through obstacles and never gave up and reached his dream to get into Notre Dame AND make the football team. His story is about not just accepting the ordinary but working hard and persevering and ending up fulfilling your dreams.

Another story that is a fan favorite of ours is the story of J.K. Rowlings. She is a single mother of 2 who was living off of public assistance. She turned writing from an outlet for hers into a financial empire for herself. Her story is so motivating about having the strength to push through the hard times and make something out of nothing! See her story….. Harry Potter book series or the movie.

Don’t wait for extraordinary opportunities. Seize common occasions and make them extraordinary. Orison Swett Marden